
Legal information

Legal notice

This website is published by Societe Generale Luxembourg, (hereinafter called “Societe Generale Luxembourg” or “the Bank”), a Société Anonyme incorporated under Luxembourg law and listed with the Luxembourg Registry of Trade and Companies under number B 6061, whose head office is located at 11, Avenue Emile Reuter L-2420 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

  • Societe Generale Luxembourg VAT number: LU10807024
  • General Telephone Number: (+352) 47 93 11 1
  • Publication Manager: Slawomir Krupa, Chief Executive Officer
  • Editorial Manager: Sandrine BREL, Head of Communication (Societe Generale Luxembourg)
  • This website is hosted by par WAYCOM and was created by SLUMBERLAND
  • This website is subject to Luxembourg law in its entirety

Societe Generale Luxembourg is part of Societe Generale group, a Société Anonyme incorporated under French law, Paris Trade Register N° 552 120 222, registered office: 29 Boulevard Haussmann, 75009 PARIS.

Warning: the www.societegenerale.lu website alone refers to our credit institution. The www.sgbt.net and www.sgbt.de websites, as well as other possible websites including the “SGBT” abbreviation, are in no way connected to our institution.

Societe Generale Luxembourg is a credit institution accredited in Luxembourg, enrolled on the list of banking institutions drawn up by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (“CSSF”), whose head office is located at 283, Route d’Arlon L-1150 Luxembourg.

Access to the website / Responsibility of the Internet user to comply with legislation

This website (the public part) is an information site intended both for Societe Generale Luxembourg Customers and for persons who are not customers of the Bank. It is intended for persons having attained the age of majority and who are legally capable.

Access to the private part of the website, called “Private e-Banking”, requires that the Internet user be Customer of the Bank and that he has signed a copy of the INTERNET SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS beforehand. Nonetheless, the products and services presented on the website (on both the public and private parts) are reserved for Customers who have an account with Societe Generale Luxembourg.

Inasmuch as this website can be consulted from anywhere in the world, it is the responsibility of persons who connect to this website to comply with the laws of the country where they reside and/or from the place where they consult the www.societegenerale.lu website. These persons shall assume all direct or indirect consequences resulting from non-compliance with these legal and regulatory obligations. The dissemination of certain information is in fact, prohibited or regulated by the laws of certain countries. It is subject to prior authorisation by the competent authorities in certain countries. Consequently, Societe Generale Luxembourg draws the attention of Internet users to the fact that this information is not intended for natural persons and legal entities, which, on account of their nationality, their address, their head office, their customary place of residence, or for other reasons, are subject to foreign legislation which prohibits or limits the dissemination of said information. For these reasons, this website is not, in particular, intended for “US PERSONS” within the meaning of the legislation of the United States of America applicable in civil, commercial or tax matters. Under no circumstance can Societe Generale Luxembourg be held responsible for the possible violation of these obligations.

Contents of this website

Societe Generale Luxembourg and any third-party contributor (the “Contributors”) shall make their best efforts to ensure that the information displayed on this website is accurate and up-to-date; Societe Generale Luxembourg and the Contributors reserve their right to amend the content of this website at any time, without prior notice. However, they are not able to guarantee that the information herein is complete or that it will not be modified by a third party (for example in the event that this website was infected by, particularly but not limited to, any kind of malware, in spite of all the precautions taken by Societe Generale). Moreover, Societe Generale Luxembourg and the Contributors shall not be held liable for any difficulty or impossibility to access the website due to an internet connection problem. In addition, Societe Generale Luxembourg and its contributors disclaim all liability (direct or indirect) for any delay, error or omission in the content of these pages and in the use that may be made of them by any person, as well as in the event of interruption or unavailability of the service.

Societe Generale Luxembourg and the Contributors shall not be held liable for any indirect consequential loss or damage, including, but not limited to: any damage or loss arising from any transaction carried out on the basis of the information herein, any loss of profit, loss of business, or any other loss arising from a service interruption due to an internet connection problem.

Further, Societe Generale Luxembourg and the Contributors shall not be held liable neither for the results of any factor beyond their control nor for any eventual loss or damage to the technical environment of the website users, including, but not limited to, hardware, software, or any other equipment used to access this website or use the services and/or the information herein.

Finally, Societe Generale Luxembourg and its contributors do not guarantee and will not be in any way responsible for the sequence, the accuracy, the absence of errors, the veracity, the current nature, the fair and merchantable quality, the quality, the correctness, the non-conformity and availability of the information contained on this website.

You agree to make a personal and non-commercial use of the information contained on this website.

Information about Financial Instruments

The terms and conditions of the financial instruments are indicative.

The potential information or material about financial instruments on this website are provided for general information purposes only and should not to be construed, from Societe Generale Luxembourg, as a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell any financial instruments (in particular banking products), or any substitute for any form of advice or recommendation with respect to such financial instruments.

Societe Generale Luxembourg and the contributors hereby disclaim any and all liability related to the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of the information drawn from external sources, although this information comes from sources deemed reliable.

When simulated past performance or past performance are presented, the relevant data pertaining to past periods are not a reliable indicator of future results. This applies even to the evolution of historical market data. When simulations of future performance are presented, the data for these performances are only predictions and are not a reliable indicator of future performance of the product. In addition, when past performance or simulated past or future performance are based on data expressed in a currency other than that of the State of the investor, the potential gains can increase or decrease based on exchange rate fluctuations.

Finally, when past performance or simulated performance (whether past or future) are presented, any gain can also be reduced by the effect of commissions, fees or other charges incurred by the investor.

Any person wishing to obtain any of the products or services displayed herein is requested to contact Societe Generale Luxembourg to obtain the regulatory information document (where applicable), and any other relevant information on the availability, terms and conditions, and prices.

Products and services subscription

Within the framework of its legal and regulatory obligations (in particular those resulting from the European Directive on markets in financial instruments – MIF Directive), Societe Generale Luxembourg may be introduced, depending on the type of financial instruments proposed and the classification assigned to you, to verify the suitability of financial instruments to your needs or the appropriateness of them in relation to your coverage or investment objectives, your knowledge and experience.

Without prejudice to the legal or regulatory obligations incumbent on Societe Generale Luxembourg, investors must, proceeded, before any investment in the product or the conclusion of any related transaction, to their own analysis of the product and its risks, in particular from the legal, fiscal and accounting point of view, without relying exclusively on the information provided to them; investors should consult, if they deem it necessary, their own advice on the matter or any other professional. Subject to compliance with its legal or regulatory obligations, SGBT cannot be held liable for the financial consequences or of any kind resulting from any transaction relating to the product or from any investment in the product.

Any request for online subscription of a product or service proposed by Societe Generale Luxembourg is only valid after acceptance by Societe Generale Luxembourg and implies the submission of the operation to the contractual and pricing conditions in force, as well as Luxembourg law.

Intellectual property rights

This whole website is subject to international legislation on copyright, trademark law and, in general, intellectual property, both in terms of its form (choice, layout, layout of materials, means of access to data, organization of data...), and with regard to each of the elements of its content (texts, images, etc...).

These contents, appearing on the pages of this website, are the exclusive property of Societe Generale Luxembourg and its contributors. You further agree not to use such content and not to allow anyone to use such content for illegal purposes. By exception, some contents (text, images) are the property of their respective authors.

Any reproduction, representation, distribution or rebroadcasting, in whole or in part, of the content of this website on any medium or by any process whatsoever (notably by caching, framing) as well as any sale, resale, retransmission or making available to third parties in any way is prohibited. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement which may incur the civil and criminal liability of the infringer.

Hypertext links

Societe Generale Luxembourg is not responsible for hyperlinks to this website nor to hypertext links to other websites, particularly regarding the content of these websites, and prohibits any person from setting up such a link without its express prior authorisation.

Some links are proposed solely for the sake of convenience, and the inclusion of a link does not imply the Bank’s approval of the linked website. Societe Generale Luxembourg does not assume any responsibility for the content, services, products or materials proposed or data of any kind contained or distributed on a website linked to the Bank’s website or with regard to the processing of personal data which may be carried out.

Security and the Internet

This website is protected by one of the most important level of technical security and is under permanent supervision.

The algorithms and mechanisms used to protect your communications with Societe Generale Luxembourg and the information that concerns you comply with the Luxembourg regulations in force.

The Internet user accesses this website through means of open communication networks. He declares that he is aware of the risks and accepts them. It is his responsibility to protect himself from the effects of computer piracy by adopting a data-processing configuration which is adapted and secure, particularly by means of a virus detection and inoculation software program which is updated on a regular basis.

E-mails sent via public networks may not be entirely secure and may be intercepted, read and modified by third parties. Besides the content of e-mails, the sender and recipient may be identified by third parties, who may infer that a real or alleged relationship exists between the sender and Societe Generale Luxembourg.

Consequently, Societe Generale Luxembourg may not be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage which the Internet users suffer during or after his navigation on this website, including the loss or modification of files and data stored on his computer or on any medium connected to or inserted in it.

The Bank draws the attention of the Internet user to the following security recommendations:

  • Do not disclose your user code and/or password; do not write it down anywhere and change it frequently.
  • Prefer the purchase of goods or services on secure " https" websites instead of standard "http" websites. The connection to secure websites is indicated by the presence at the bottom of the screen of a symbol representing a padlock. These indications constitute security guarantees for transactions through encryption of communications. Their presence is absolutely essential when the Internet user transmits his bank contact information in order, for example, to pay for his purchases on line.
  • PHISHING : Never answer an E-mail – or click on a hyperlink which appears in an E-mail – requesting transmission of confidential information such as bank contact information, a card number or a secret code, even if the hyperlink appears to come from a trusted organisation. This type of message often belongs to a fraudulent mechanism called “phishing”.


Societe Generale Luxembourg may be led or forced to interrupt the service without prior notice, wholly or in part. As soon as circumstances allow, Societe Generale Luxembourg will provide information on service interruptions and will take all necessary steps to re-establish the connection as quickly as possible. However, in no case can Societe Generale Luxembourg be held responsible for these interruptions and/or delays in re-establishing the service, except in case of gross negligence committed by Societe Generale Luxembourg.

Societe Generale Luxembourg is not responsible for any direct or indirect damage or for any temporary or permanent incident caused to the data or data-processing hardware of the Internet user during his access to the website, when he is surfing on its pages, or generally, during transmission of computer files and programs which comprise the website to his reception equipment. In particular, Societe Generale Luxembourg is not responsible for the possible transmission of viruses through its website.

Societe Generale Luxembourg is not responsible for damage which may result from the unauthorised intrusion in his data-processing systems and/or from the fraudulent use of his means of distribution. The Bank refuses all responsibility, particularly in case of misappropriation of data subsequent to an intrusion in its data-processing systems. However, Societe Generale Luxembourg implements the necessary means in order to prevent unlawful intrusions.

Protection of personal data

Data protection within Societe Generale Luxembourg shall apply in accordance with General Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on Data Protection (“GDPR”), to all personal data processed by it under the conditions defined in our applicable General Conditions and by the Personal Data Protection Policy below.

No User of this website is required to transmit personal information about him or her, unless he or she chooses to do so. By communicating personal data by clicking on the "send" button, the User accepts the content of this privacy protection policy.

During its visits to this website, the server retains only the information that the Internet user has voluntarily provided as well as his IP address.

Societe Generale Luxembourg also uses cookies (a cookie is a file sent by the Societe Generale Luxembourg server that registers on the hard drive of the Internet user’s computer. This file keeps track of the visited website and contains a certain amount of information relating to this visit). Cookies are used primarily to make the website keep working and to improve the navigation of the Internet user under the conditions defined in our dedicated policy: https://www.societegenerale.lu/en/cookies-policy/

Under the GDPR, Internet users have a right of access to information concerning them, a right to rectification of all personal data, a right to limit such processing and a right to data portability. If he wishes to exercise this right, the Internet user is requested to contact the Societe Generale Luxembourg Data Protection Officer, whose details are further detailed in the Personal Data Protection Policy accessible on this website via the tab “Data Policy”.

Furthermore, the information on this website must be considered as a commercial communication within the framework of the Luxembourg legislation applicable to internet commerce. Any user who has voluntarily communicated personal data to Societe Generale Luxembourg via the website signs his/her prior agreement to receive communications of a commercial nature.

Applicable law and competent courts

This website and all the relationships and transactions it allows to be carried out, are subject to Luxembourg legislation. All disputes to which this website may give rise are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the District Court of and in Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. However, a complaint may be lodged with the CSSF. All access to this website is deemed to take place directly at Societe Generale Luxembourg’s head office, on the date and time indicated on the Societe Generale Luxembourg’s server, the log of Societe Generale Luxembourg’s connections being authentic as to these connections.